Lateral root founder cell specification

Unlike most animals, plants have the capacity to constantly develop new organs post-embryonically throughout their lifespan. A prime example of this feature is the de novo formation of lateral roots . Lateral roots are formed in a regular pattern along the primary root axis. This regular pattern is ensured by a periodic specification of founder cells. In this project, we aim at dissecting the gene regulatory networks underlying this event in Arabidopsis using cutting edge technologies. 

Initiation of nematode feeding sites

Plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) cause severe biotic stress in plants and pose a serious threat to several crops worldwide. More specifically, nematode infections can lead to the formation of root galls or damage the root, as well as to aboveground symptoms such as leaf chlorosis and necrosis, possible wilting, stunted and patchy growth, and predisposition to various pathogenic fungi.

Apical root branching in Selaginella

Root development has been crucial for the success of vascular plants in terrestrial ecosystems, but not all rooting systems evolved from a common ancestor. Fossil evidence suggests that root development evolved independently at least twice over the course of land plant evolution, once within the euphyllophyte lineage, consisting of the seed plants and ferns, and once within the lycophyte lineage.

Our Scientific Mission

The importance of plant roots for our planet cannot be overstated. They provide numerous ecosystem services that support life on Earth, including soil stabilization, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and food production. Protecting and preserving healthy root systems is essential for maintaining the sustainability of our planet's ecosystems and ensuring the well-being of future generations.